Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Lets be honest. When you hear the words "energy crisis" did you think of higher gas prices or yourself? Everyone, at one time or another, feels fatigued. And who wouldn't like to have more energy than they now have? Have you ever been watching kids at play and think to yourself, I wish I still had that much energy to burn? Yet I bet you didn't know just taking the time each day to breathe deeply will not only relax you, but will also energize you at the same time. Also curb your caffeine intake and drink some Fruta Vida instead. It will give you more energy, and without all the shaky jitters you get with coffee, or soda drinks, it will also give you a night of restfull sleep.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida4u.com/marys

Sunday, September 18, 2005

...What A Headache...

You know the phase " Not tonight dear, I have a headache." I know, I know, thats just a little white lie told as a stop sign for bedroom romance. Thats only sometimes. Most times it's true. Now not everyone under stress ie; Romance, bills, work, and etc...get headaches, but most do. These headaches are usually classified as "tension headaches," and they can be real head knockers. What to do?
1. Try to relax, and sleep, just don't over sleep.
2. Take an over the counter non-asprin. But just take two not ten, and take them right away at the beginning of the headache. Otherwise, it may not do you much good.
3. Do a self-massage to your neck, and relax your jaw by biting on a pencil, just don't bite down.
4. Drink Fruta Vida juice. This amazing juice works on a headache as well if not better than anything else you can do.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida4u.com/marys

Friday, September 16, 2005

...Scent-Sations for Health...

Have you ever noticed how different scents affect you? I have found that scented candles are the best for relaxing, and easing stress. They are also great at Invigorating your scenses and making you more alert.
The best candles I have found for this is Mia Bella's Hand Poured Gourmet Soy Candles. Made from a formula of natural, renewable materials from the American farmland. The combination of vegetables, plants, soy and beeswax burns clean and is practically soot free. If you spill it you can clean it up with hot soapy water.
So just take the time to pamper your scenses. In a scents smell the roses, lemongrass, jasmine, and more to start your day.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida4u.com/marys

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

- - - The Killer - - -

" Influenza " this insidious virus might better be called the monster of a thousand faces. Although there are only just three main types ( influenza A, B, and C ) what makes it a monster is their unlimited ability to mutate into different forms. So while one strain gives you immunity from a bout of flu, it's mutant off spring can knock you low next. What's worse, if your counting on antibiotics for relief, you're out of luck. The flu is a viral infection, and antibiotics simply can't kill viruses. So what do you do? Suffer, and drink lots of fluids until it passes. Also be sure to stay home, the flu can pass to others like a wild fire out of control.
" So When does it become a killer?" When a strain pop's up that we have no effective vaccine to fight it with.
According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, located in Atlanta, Georgia, in a normal flu season, about 200,000 Americans are hospitalized, 38,000 of whom die from the disease. Most of those deaths occur among people older than 65; or average 98 out of every 100,000 seniors with the flu will die. This sounds like a nightmare in itself. I think our doctors deserve our respect at staying on top of a disease that could quickly become a major " high level epidemic."
For me and mine, we will keep drinking Fruta Vida juice, keeping our immune systems strong, and as healthy as possible. To learn more about preventing or building up your immune system agains't the flu, contact your doctor.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida4u.com/marys

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


"Studies have shown people whom have rheumatoid arthritis are deficient in vitamin C," Says Robert H. Davis, Ph.D., professor of physiology at the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine. As we know the body doesn't produce vitamin C naturally. So to take about 500 milligrams spread throughout the day, would not be excessive. Vitamin C is virtually zero in toxicity which is a good thing, due to the fact you would have to take 500 milligrams or more throughout the day to do some good for your rheumatoid arthritis. Still be sure to check with your doctor thou before starting or trying a vitamin C therapy. For some people may not be able to take such large amounts of vitamin C. Just remember to take good care of the body you have, and drink Fruta Vida juice to maintain good health.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida4u.com/marys

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Okay! I think I'm back to as normal as I'm ever going to be. Tonight I'm going to talk about heat exhaustion. This Summer has been a hot one, and I myself have even had to deal with the heat. I love to do yard work, and while mowing grass today, I let myself get carried away without thinking about the heat. I don't know if it was the breeze blowing or just the fact I feel better, but when I stopped and came in my heart was racing, I was dizzy, poring sweat, and felt like I was going to pass out. The first thing I did was take some Fruta Vida juice, then I started doing some deep breathing, trying not to cool down to fast. It worked wonderfully. I was happy to have prevented myself from having a nasty little heat stroke. Yet I hear others are not so lucky. It's best to 1. Eat something salty to be sure and sweat. 2. Drink plenty of fluids when working in the heat. 3. Don't over task yourself, take cooling breaks, and truly rest when you do. 4. Please be sure to take Fruta Vida juice so you don't tire yourself out needlessly.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida4u.com/marys

Friday, September 09, 2005

Wow! What A Storm...

Katrina, hit us like a woman scorned. The damage is just out right hugh. My heart goes out to my Louisianan people here that have lost everything. I pray every day that you have bigger and better coming very quick. I just can not seem to focus on a health tip tonight. I think I've gone brain dead or something. I think it's because I have been so busy in these last two weeks, with the after math of Katrina, that now that things are settling back down, and it's time to start rebuilding I'm just kind of like going duh...I found myself going around in a circle several times today, wondering exactly what it was I was going to do. It's like I have a ton of time now all of a sudden. Yet never fear I'll recover myself soon, and will fill the hours with my usual dittle-fiddle. I helped find and open the last shelter in our area, and now I'm at a loss as to what to do with myself. I guess thats why I'm writting about it here. It gives me something to do. I think I'll have some Fruta Vida juice and go to bed. It will help me sleep peacefully, and will clear my mind. I hope your day has been better than mine. I think I'm still a little shell shocked after losing a major part of the state I live in, and the scare of not hearing from or being able to contact love ones, then finding them safe is starting to set in. Good night and sleep tight.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida4u.com/marys

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Wow! Be glad you don't live in the early 1900's and got yourself a black eye. Back then they treated your bruised eye by putting a leech on it to suck out the blood. Yuck! That would be enough to scare me into giving the Doc. a black eye to match my own...
Yet today we know that ice or something very cold works just fine by keeping down the swelling, and by constricting the blood vessels to decrease the internal bleeding. I would like to bring to your attention a tip that is just being discovered. A little FrutaVida juice on a cotton ball rubbed onto the bruise at least 3 times aday will heal the discoloring and pain of a bruise a lot faster than normal. So by all means don't forget your Fruta Vida juice.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida4u.com/marys

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Cholesterol - Lowering...

I just read an interesting report by James Cerda, M.D., of the University of Florida Health Science Center, found that grapefruit pectin, found in the rind and fleash, lowered cholesterol an average 7.6% in 8 weeks. Since it is known that a 1% reduction in cholesterol causes a 2% drop in the risk of heart disease. Dr. Cerda regards this effect as "quite significant." To get the amount of pectin Dr. Cerda used, you'd have to eat about 2 and a half cups of grapefruit sections a day. If that's a little hard to swallow just drink some Fruta Vida juice everyday and enjoy the same benefits, without the sour or bitter pucker results.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida4u.com/marys

Sunday, September 04, 2005


It starts with a tickle in the back of the throat. Then rumblings start from deep within your chest. Suddenly your lungs erupt like a volcano, and you spend the next few minutes hacking up phlegm.
Bronchitis is usually caused by a virus, so antibiotics wont do much good. The best thing to do is.

1. Stop smoking. Your chances of ridding yourself of bronchistis go up dramaticlly.
2. Keep the fluids flowing. It helps the mucus become more watery and easier to cough up.
3. Drink Fruta Vida Juice. It will improve your health, and boost your immune system, helping your body fight off viruses.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida4u.com/marys

Thursday, September 01, 2005

This Is A Nightmare...

Here in Louisiana hurricane Katrinia has created one hugh nightmare. Between the living and the dead it only seems to be getting worse. Yes I have this little health blog here, and I find myself at a lost as to what to offer in advice for the health of the people in La., Miss., and Ala. As I live in La. I have had a chance to see the health condiction in New Orleans first hand. It is an absolute nightmare that is going to take a very long time to wake up from. I will not describe what I have seen in detail, just so I don't assult you by doing so. I do know this though if the living that are left in New Orleans are not relocated very soon there will be no need to do so. With the lack of drinking water, food, the hot temperatures, and the increasingly rising water, the decaying dead, snakes, gators, with the mix of sewer contamination these people don't stand much of a chance. In all my life I have never seen or heard about such destruction other than in time of War. Yes we are all pulling together, like a tight knitted sweater, to help and to rebuild. Yet that doesn't remove the fact that the effects of this nightmare will be felt accross the whole of the United States. Simply due to the fact that hurricane Katrinia took out one of our largest ports. We are already feeling minor rumbles as it is. It couldn't have been any worse if we had been targeted and bombed, as in War. I really don't think anyone has sat back and looked at the long term affects Katrinia is going to have on the whole of the United States, and when they do, the first thing that will come to mind is exactly what came to mine. OH! SH*T,%&(****). As I see it the USA is in a world of hurt over this one.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida.com/2248481