Tuesday, November 01, 2005

...Turkey Day is Coming...

Happy Thanks-Giving!
Well it's November 1st, and I'm already getting ready...I'm looking for the biggest turkey I can find, and a hugh ham. Yes I have a large family, and the chunk of the clan will start arriving days before turkey day for sure. I have always wondered why they all seem to gravitate to my door for Thanks Giving, well I have finally been told why, and it just justifies all my rantings about eating right and getting the right nutrition for your body. My Mom, and Sisters told me today, it's because of the flavor and fresh taste to the hoard of food I prepare every year. About the only thing I set on my table that is processed each year is cranberry sauce, and thats only for those that don't like the fresh cranberries that I go through great strides to find and have each year. Even the pies are homemade from fresh fruits. This year why not give it a try yourselves...You will be suprised from the wonderful tastes that you thought you would never taste again unless you were transported back in time to your childhood. Yes enjoy Thanks Giving don't skimp eat all you can stand, just do it nutritionally.

To Your Health and Wealth,
Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money and so can you at http://www.frutavida.com/2248481


Blogger Travel Italy said...


I see we agree on more than one thing. Food is an important part of living a well balanced life.

After 20 yrs. in Italy I was amazed to find that few people actually cook anymore (I found this when looking to buy a house and you could see that the kitchen design was unusable).

I had written a project for a restaurant which I then sold (dallas is a tough place to open a restaurant) however the overview site still exists: www.dallaspiacere.com.

3:35 PM  

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